Human-in-the-loop learning and control for robot teleoperation 

出版社: London, United Kingdom ; San Diego, CA : Academic Press

著 者: Chenguang Yang, Jing Luo and Ning Wang

出版年: 2023

索书号: 2-2024\TP24\Y22

Herbs, shrubs and trees of potential medicinal benefits 

出版社: Boca Raton : CRC Press

著 者: edited by Azamal Husen.

出版年: 2022

索书号: 2-2024\R282.71\H538

Fish behavior 2 : ethophysiology 

出版社: Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated

著 者:  Jacques Bruslé, Jean-Pierre Quignard

出版年: 2020

索书号: 2-2024\Q959.4\B912/[v.2]

Oceanography of the Mediterranean sea : an introductory guide 

出版社: Amsterdam : Elsevier

著 者: edited by Katrin Schroeder, Jacopo Chiggiato.

出版年: 2023

索书号: 2-2024\P726\O15

Models of time and space from astrophysics and world cultures : the foundations of astrophysical reality from across the centuries 

出版社: Cham : Springer

著 者: Bryan E. Penprase

出版年: 2023

索书号: 2-2024\O412.1\P416

The history of contemporary Italy 1943-2019 

出版社: Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan

著 者: Umberto Gentiloni Silveri

出版年: 2022

索书号: 2-2024\K546.5\G338

The preparation of teachers of English as an additional language around the world : research, policy, curriculum and practice

出版社: Bristol ; Blue Ridge Summit : Multilingual Matters

著 者: edited by Nihat Polat, Laura Mahalingappa and Hayriye Kayi-Aydar. 

出版年: 2021

索书号: 2-2024\H319\P927

ICT policy, research, and innovation : perspectives and prospects for EU-US collaboration

出版社: Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley

著 者:  edited by Svetlana Klessova, Sebastian Engell, Maarten Botterman, Jonathan Cave.

出版年: 2021

索书号: 2-2024\G203\I43

Central banking, monetary policy and the future of money

出版社: Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar Publishing

著 者: edited by Guillaume Vallet, Sylvio Kappes, Louis-Philippe Rochon. 

出版年: 2022

索书号: 2-2024\F820.1\C397

The unspoken morality of childhood : family, friendship, self-esteem and the wisdom of the everyday 

出版社: New York, NY : Anthem Press

著 者: Kristen Renwick Monroe.

出版年: 2022

索书号: 2-2024\C913.11\M753

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