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 ·  2024年第二季度专题资源目录——欧盟绿色协议主题
 · 2024年第一季度专题资源目录——儿童健康主题
Title:Advanced technologies for industry : policy brief : responsible digital transformation : the bridge between digital and circular economy policies.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Alternate global transition pathways to 2050: prospects for the bioeconomy
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2019
Title:Boosting the capacity of LRAs to implement the Green Deal: a toolbox for the climate pact
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Circular economy in the Africa-EU cooperation :country report for South Africa.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Circular economy in the Africa-EU cooperation : country report for Rwanda.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Clean energy technologies in coal regions: opportunities for jobs and growth
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2019
Title:Climate neutrality: pathways for achieving the European Green Deal objectives
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Contribution of the electricity sector to smart sector integration
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:CORDIS results pack on climate services: How climate services can help decision taking in a changing climate : stories from Horizon 2020 projects
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:CORDIS results pack on frontier research for the Green Deal.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:CORDIS results pack on social sciences and humanities in energy research.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Definition of the digital building logbook : report 1 of the study on the development of a European Union framework for buildings' digital logbook.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Delivering on Europe’s recovery through research and innovation.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Destination Earth
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:EFSD, the European Fund for Sustainable Development
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:EIB Group climate bank roadmap 2021-2025
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Environmental assessments of plans, programmes and projects : rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Environmental statement 2019 : moving towards a sustainable future : 2018 results : consolidated version.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Establishing a new baseline for monitoring the status of EU spatial data infrastructure : experiences and conclusions from INSPIRE 2019 monitoring and reporting.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:European network of public employment services: comprehensive approach to addressing skills needs in the labour market: the role of PES
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2019
Title:Feasibility and scoping study for the commission to become climate neutral by 2030
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Food 2030 pathways for action : food safety systems of the future
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Food 2030 pathways for action : research and innovation policy as a driver for sustainable, healthy and inclusive food systems.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Implementing the SET plan : making the set plan fit for the EU green recovery : 2020 report.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Innovating cities policy report for EU R&I sustainable urban development : Cities P4P-Project for Policy : policy review report from EU DG R&I funded urban projects under Framework Programme Seven (FP7).
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Integration of environmental considerations in the selection of projects supported by the European structural and investment funds : final report.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Mineral exploration : sustainable innovative solutions for mineral exploration.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Nature-based solutions for microclimate regulation and air quality
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Preparatory study for solar photovoltaic modules, inverters and systems : final report.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Priorities of the new European Commission and the interests of Poland : Team Europe’s assessments and conclusions.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Products and circular economy : policy recommendations derived from Research & Innovation projects.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Programming document 2021-2023.
Pub. Agency:European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Proposed mission: 100 climate-neutral cities by 2030 - by and for the citizens
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Raw materials demand for wind and solar PV technologies in the transition towards a decarbonised energy system
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:SME focus:Long-term strategy for the European industrial future
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Study on gas market upgrading and modernisation - regulatory framework for LNG terminals
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Study on the development of a European Union framework for digital building logbooks : executive summary.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Sustainability competences : a systematic literature review.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Technical support for implementing the European Green Deal
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:The local and regional dimension in the new circular economy action plan.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:The role of fiscal rules in relation with the green economy: a new start after the outbreak
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Towards an All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance: key outcomes and conclusions from the all-Atlantic Ocean research forum
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Towards an inclusive energy transition in the European Union : confronting energy poverty amidst a global crisis.
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Towards zero pollution in Europe.
Pub. Agency:EEA, Copenhagen
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Upgrading the gas market : regulatory and administrative requirements to entry and trade on gas wholesale markets in the EU. Final report
Pub. Agency:European Union
Pub. Year:2020
Title:An evidence map of social, behavioural and community engagement interventions for reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2017
Title:Assessment of sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health in the context of universal health coverage in Albania
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2020
ISBN:978 92 890 5470 6
Title:Assessment of sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health in the context of universal health coverage in Azerbaijan
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2020
ISBN:978 92 8905517 8
Title:Assessment of sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health in the context of universal health coverage in Kazakhstan
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2020
ISBN:978 92 890 5483 6
Title:Assessment of sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health in the context of universal health coverage in Romania
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2020
ISBN:978 92 890 5472 0
Title:Ending childhood dental caries: WHO implementation manual
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2019
Title:Ensuring universal health coverage delivers for women, children and adolescents: PMNCH 2019 annual report
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2020
Title:GenNext – exit NCDs intervention tool for prevention of NCD risk factors among schoolchildren
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Global status report on preventing violence against children 2020
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Governance for the validation of elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis: an overview of validation structures and responsibilities at national, regional and global levels, June 2020
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Guidance on ending the inappropriate promotion of foods for infants and young children: implementation manual
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2017
Title:Guideline: assessing and managing children at primary health-care facilities to prevent overweight and obesity in the context of the double burden of malnutrition
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2017
Title:Guidelines on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep for children under 5 years of age
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2019
Title:Improving early childhood development: WHO guideline
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Improving Newborn and Child Health: A Strategic Framework (‎2018–2022)‎
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2018
Title:Infant and young child feeding practices in Sri Lanka: a desk review – 2006-2017
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2018
Title:Inheriting a sustainable world? Atlas on children’s health and the environment
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2017
Title:INSPIRE handbook: action for implementing the seven strategies for ending violence against children
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2018
Title:Integrating stakeholder and community engagement in quality of care initiatives for maternal, newborn and child health
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Leading the realization of human rights to health and through health: report of the High-Level working group on the health and human rights of women, children and adolescents
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2017
Title:Learning session on HIV-affected adolescent mothers and their children in sub-Saharan Africa: meeting report, Geneva, Switzerland, 13 December 2019
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Managing complications in pregnancy and childbirth: a guide for midwives and doctors
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2017
Title:Monitoring children’s development in the primary care services: moving from a focus on child deficits to family-centred participatory support: report of a virtual technical meeting, 9-10 June 2020
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in children and adolescents in the WHO European Region: expert opinion
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2019
Title:Nurturing care for early childhood development: a framework for helping children survive and thrive to transform health and human potential
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2018
Title:Nutrient Profile Model for the WHO African Region: a tool for implementing WHO recommendations on the marketing of foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children
Pub. Agency:
Pub. Year:2019
Title:Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus: guidelines on antiviral prophylaxis in pregnancy
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Protect the progress: rise, refocus and recover: 2020 progress report on the every woman every child global strategy for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health (‎‎‎2016-2030)
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2020
Title:Recommendations for data collection, analysis and reporting on anthropometric indicators in children under 5 years old
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2019
Title:Reducing stunting in children: equity considerations for achieving the global nutrition targets 2025
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2018
Title:Regional action framework on protecting children from the harmful impact of food marketing in the Western Pacific
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2020
ISBN:978 92 9061 909 3
Title:Responding to children and adolescents who have been sexually abused: WHO clinical guidelines
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2017
Title:Roadmap towards ending TB in children and adolescents
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2018
Title:Spotlight on adolescent health and well-being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (‎‎HBSC)‎‎ survey in Europe and Canada. International report. Volume 1. Key findings
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2020
ISBN:978 92 890 5500 0
Title:Standards for improving the quality of care for children and young adolescents in health facilities
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2018
Title:The double burden of malnutrition: priority actions on ending childhood obesity
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2020
Title:The selection and use of essential medicines: report of the WHO Expert Committee on Selection and Use of Essential Medicines, 2019 (‎including the 21st WHO Model List of Essential Medicines and the 7th WHO Model List of Essential Medicines for Children)‎
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2019
Title:The selection and use of essential medicines: report of the WHO Expert Committee, 2017 (‎including the 20th WHO Model List of Essential Medicines and the 6th Model List of Essential Medicines for Children)‎
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2017
Title:Transformative accountability for adolescents: accountability for the health and human rights of women, children and adolescents in the 2030 agenda
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2017
Title:Voice of the Children: Alcohol in the eyes of the young
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2019
Title:WHO guideline on mass drug administration of azithromycin to children under five years of age to promote child survival
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2020
Title:WHO recommendations: intrapartum care for a positive childbirth experience
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2018
Title:WHO safe childbirth checklist collaboration evaluation report
Pub. Agency:WHO
Pub. Year:2017
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