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Asian Development Bank (ADB)



Projects Database


ADB provides financial and technological assistance for its members in order to help them carry out multidimensional development projects and plans. ADB Project Database covers all of the development projects the bank support since 1966. Project Documents of the database summerizes these projects

ADB’s Statistical Database System Online


ADB’s Statistical Database System Online (SDBS) is a major database of the type of Asian statistics. It contains each member’s national income, prices, financial revenue, trade, balance of payments, currency, bank industry, oversea debt, population, labor and social indicators in each year since 1975. Moreover, it contains monthly and seasonal indicators of some members. The sources of the data are mainly the department of statistics and principal bank of each member. Some sources are the databases and webpages of some international organizations.

ADB Publications


ADB’s different types publications can be browsed under the title “Publications” in its webpage. In this title, the public can effortlessly obtain ADB’s “New Publications”, “Key Resources” and “10 Most Downloaded Publications”, as well as required literature of different types by using “Publications Search” or “ADB Catalogue Search”. The materials may be read online free of charge and there are many downloadable versions in PDF format.

This list of resources are from the Internet, only for learning and research purposes, please do not use for other activities such as commercial profit.
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