Publication Name
Yearbook of the United Nations
The Yearbook of the United Nations—published by the Department of Public Information—stands as the authoritative reference work on the activities and concerns of the Organization. Based on official UN documents, the Yearbook provides comprehensive coverage of political and security matters, human rights issues, economic and social questions, legal issues, and institutional, administrative and budgetary matters.
Treaty Series
The Treaty Series collect treaties and international agreements that registered or filed, recorded and published by secretariat since 1946. It recorded and saved 545 major multilateral documents reserved by secretary general, and more than 60,000 treaties and records on more than 111,000 times’ registered and released actions, which involved 29 chapters on human rights, disarmament, merchandise, refugees, environmental and marine law, etc.
UN Chronicle
This is an official quarterly publication which issues viewpoints and discussions of UN. Its language version has been reduced from 6-official- language to English and French. The magazine reports facts, opinions of the debate, including assembly, the activities of the security council and activities of other agencies.
United Nations Disarmament Yearbook
A rich source of historical knowledge of developments, trends and achievements of multilateral disarmament for more than 30 years. Since its submitted for publication, the Yearbooks were published in a single volume annually until 2007 when changed into two volumes every year. Part I contains an annual compilation of text and statistics of disarmament-related resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly. Part II presents the main topics of multilateral consideration during the year and a convenient issues-oriented timeline.
Statistical Yearbook
Comprehensive statistical data that provides detailed information on economy and society, including population, education, national accounts, labor, wages and prices, energy, environment, science and technology, international commodity trade, international travel and transport, international payments, international finance and development, assistance, etc. according to nationalities, regions and world economy class. In most cases the data cycle is set for ten years.
Demographic Yearbook
Demographic data on populations of different countries collected and published by UN.
The State of Food and Agriculture, SOFA
Food and agriculture organization (FAO) publications discussed the global food and agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry, agricultural products market and the state of hunger comprehensively and objectively.
The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture
Published every two years, it is a comprehensive publication of the world's fisheries and aquaculture, including relevant policy matters.
State of the World's Forests, SOFO
The report related forest conditions, forest department (the latest major policy、institutional situation and key problems) are published in Arabic, Chinese, Russian, English, French and Spanish every two years.
The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets,
Published every two years, it aims to present commodity market issues in an objective, transparent and accessible way to the attention of a wider public, including policy-makers, commodity market observers and all those interested in commodity market developments and their impact on developing countries.
The State of Food Insecurity in the World
Enables people to raise awareness of global hunger, to explore the main cause of hunger and malnutrition, monitoring the implementation of the 1996 World Food Summit and Millennium summit conferences to determine the progress of reduction hunger.
World Development Report
World Development Report discusses the issue of world development and prospects of the annual report, focus on various hot issues each year.
World Development Indicators
Published every year since 1997, each issue of World Development Indicators contains more than 500 statistical indicators. It uses a broader, more integrated statistical pattern. Through extensive data record index of the world economy, the content of the report includes education, health, poverty, environment, economy, trade, and so on. Each data table contains the amount of indicators of some economic organization and the regions of the world at the same time. The publication of each section of the introduction part introduces the considerations involved in the process of social economic phenomenon mainly related matters.
Global Development Finance
The books provide foreign debt statistics, debt ratio and the constitution of foreign debt inventory and flow direction statistics of 128 developing countries who report as well as declare assurance engagement to World Bank Debt Report System (DRS). In addition, the books also provide statistical charts that conducted according to regions and income groups.
African Development Indicators
African Development Indicators provide index of society, economic, population and environment of 53 African countries in detail.
Doing Business
Doing Business in a More Transparent World assesses regulations affecting domestic firms in 183 economies and ranks the economies in 10 areas of business regulation, such as starting a business, resolving insolvency and trading across borders.
History of Civilizations of Central Asia
The full set involves six volumes, which traces the central Asia region starting from the paleolithic human history until the end of the twentieth century.
Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger
Published in 2010, the third edition of the "world map endangered languages" points out that the world has 199 languages in emergency situation, there are 18 languages classified as "critically endangered language" because the user of such languages are arguably less than 10 people, mostly even only one. This book aims to awakening the public awareness of endangered languages. Online version provides the interactive retrieval tools which can be inquired through country, name of the language, the number of multiple access points such as query endangered languages in different countries and regions.
Learning: The Treasure Within
The 21st century international education committee submitted to UNESCO's landmark report, discusses education's role in the people and social development, emphasizes the life-long education, puts forward the four pillars of education, namely society cognition, learn to do things, learn to get along with people and learn to live.
Global Education Digest
The annual report covers the latest statistics of pre-school education to higher education stage in more than two hundred countries and regions in the world.
International Social Science Journal
Founded in 1949, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is a comprehensive social science journals (quarterly). Each issue revolves around a topic. These topics are usually with realism, pertinence and universality, such as cultural, social, poverty, health care, crime, human rights, rule of law, the role of government, education, globalization, women, youth, farmers, immigration, etc.
World Health Report
Experts’ evaluation of global health status including the statistical data of the annual report, each year focused on a project.
World Health Statistics
Data compilation from 193 member states by WHO.
International Health Regulation
A current edition public sanitary regulations that legally binding all member states.
The International Pharmacopoeia
The quality of drugs and dosage standard set, for consultation and adjustment.
Environmental Health Criteria
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Health Organization jointly published books. The books, written and published by experts all over the world, aimed at providing first-degree baseline assessment on the impact of chemicals or compound and physical or biotic factor on human health and environment.
International Financial Statistics Yearbook
Founded in 1948, the International Financial Statistics contains 32,000 sets of time series data of more than 200 countries. It mainly contains the statistical data of IMF members in exchange rate, fund, international discharging ability, reserved money, currency, bank account, interest rate, prices, commodity prices, products, government finance, labor, national accounts, import and export, and population. Selected key sets of data such as commodity prices, consumer prices, debt repayments, etc. are accumulated in regional and global statistical tables.
Balance of Payment Statistics Yearbook
In BOPS, there are records of the flow of goods, services and finance in perspectives of globe, regions and countries. National messages provide a way to understand the state’s investment position in the world, as well as its external financial property and situation of owe debt. BOPS include data of 170 states that deal with major economic, financial and civil indicators such as government services and staff salaries. BOPS contains seasonal and annual data of different countries since 1967.
Government Finance Statistics Yearbook
Originated by IMF, Government Financial Statistics is an international standard method for financial statistics. It is presently used by all international organizations and most nations. It has are three fundamental features. First, it determines the categories for government according to the System of National Accounts (SNA). Second, in addition to official budget, it defines the whole governmental capital flow as object of statistics, including capital outside budget and social security funds. Third, with reference to international standard method of categorization, it formulates categorizing standards for financial statistics, and categorizes the capital flow of government according to multidimensional perspective such as government functions and economic property.
Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook
DOTS contains seasonal and annual statistics of 186 countries since 1980. It presently serves as the most comprehensive major source of information about trading. There are more than 100,000 sets of time series data dealing with import and export items between countries and trading partners. The statistics is accumulated in regional and global table according to countries or organizations.
Labour Statistics Yearbook
Labour Statistics Yearbook adopts International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) to provide official core labour statistical data of more than 200 countries in the world including total population, economically active population, employment, unemployment, working hours, wages, labour cost, industrial injury, strike and lockout, consumer price, etc.
Key Indicators of the Labour Market
Published every two year since 1999, it covers 20 leading indicators relating to labour market, from employment and employment-related conditions (status, industry, man-hour, etc.)to education, salary, payroll cost, labour productivity, in-service poverty, etc.
Occupational Wages and Hours of Work and Retail Food Prices
Annually provides food price investigating results carried in October on 93 kinds of food and 159 occupations in 49 industrial categories.
Official Journal of the European Union
Significant publication that recording EU legislation. The L series publish legislative content (instructions, regulations, decisions and actions approved by EU) while C series are mainly information published by institutions and preparation actions (minutes of the meetings, texts approved by European Economic and Social Council, council’s common standpoint), opinions of European Economic and Social Council and Regional Committee, court digest of cases and reports of Court of Auditors.
Europe in Figures – Eurostat Yearbook
The Yearbook provides comprehensive European statistical data which can be seen as key reference tools to acquire European statistics and guide to explore extensive free data on the website of EU Statistical Bureau (http://ec.europa.). The main data covers 27 EU countries and provides several indicators of EU candidate countries, EFTA member states, Japan and US. The book presents more than 500 statistical tables, diagrams and maps that cover the following fields: economy, population, education, sanitation, living quality, welfare, labor market, industry and service, Agriculture, fishing & Forestry, foreign trade, transportation, environment, energy, science and technology and statistics in European regions.
Science, Technology and Innovation in Europe
Pocket edition of annual publications that provides the overall statistics of European technological innovation and ranking of EU compared to the partner states.
Vocational and Training in …
Provides discussions of educational systems between EU member states and significant non-member states, history, current situation and existing problems of vocational and technical education.
OECD Economic Outlook
Semiannual publication that provides latest evaluation and expectation on world economy and actual economic conditions of member states and significant economic entities.
Education at a Glance
Education at a Glance is an annual publication by OECD which a view to the participation and investigation of educational enterprise, how educational system operates and what it has achieved. Based on fact, this book covers extensive data indicators in various aspects from the comparison of student’s performance in main fields to the influence of adults’ employment opportunity.
International Direct Investment Statistics Yearbook
Annual publication which collects detail statistics of direct investment that flow in and out of OECD countries. The direct investment flow and inventory of each country is presented according to geographic zoning and industrial catalogue with comparable datum forms and charts. The numeration tables are dollarwise while the tables of nations are measuring with the value of domestic currencies.
Geographical Distribution of Financial Flows to Developing Countries
Provides the amount of funds, source, assistance types and other resources that flow into about 150 developing countries. The data shows the volume of official developing assistance of each country, as well as other official and private funds flow from OECD development assistance committee member states, multilateral institutions and others. As reference material, this book gives main development indicator.
World Energy Outlook
Annual energy forecast by International Energy Agency. On the basis of situations, these forecasts make comparisons between cases. (What will happen if policies are improved or stay unchanged) Each edition is inclined to study a specific geographic area or policy concern.
ADB Annual Report
The report reviews the activities, projects, internal administration and financial management of ADB, includes an independent report of ADB special fund. The report covers special project topics on economic development, unscheduled public- concerned or real-time special topics and complete financial statements, views of independent auditors, index statistics and appendix.
Asian Development Outlook
Asian Development Outlook provides comprehensive analysis on macro economy and development issues of developing member states of ADB. The reports specifically collect evaluations on the economic trend and foreground of Asia-Pacific developing economic entities, the economic profile, economic management issues, concerns in legislations and policies, economic projection and big questions confronted by within the region of Asia-Pacific developing economic entities.
Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific
These indicators are the data set of flagship annual statistics by Asian Development Bank which provide indicators of economy, finance, society, environment and MDGs of the member states in ADB area. The data is categorized according to MGDs and regions including non-technical annotations and brief analyze on economy and finance, society and environmental development.