1. Aviation Security Innovation: The Latest And Greatest
ICAO is convening its third annual Global Aviation Security Symposium (AVSEC2019) at ICAO Headquarters in Montréal, Canada, from 18 to 19 September 2019.
In September 2019 the world’s most prominent aviation security administrations and bodies will come together to take important, determined steps forward in the field of aviation security. The present threat environment is more dynamic, diverse and challenging than ever before, and the security measures that will be defined must be effective, efficient, operationally viable and economically sustainable.
Following the two-day AVSEC2019 event, ICAO will host an Industry Engagement Day on 20 September 2019. The workshops that will be held on this day will draw from the preceding panel discussions on aviation security best practices in sessions that will cover security cultures, security management systems, cybersecurity awareness and other current topics. Presentations and group exercises will be led by subject-matter experts who will provide participants with the best practices for developing behaviour change campaigns and tools to implement a positive security culture within their organization.
2. Manual on Space Weather Information in Support of International Air Navigation (Doc 10100)1st Edition, 2019
This brand new manual aims to provide guidance for aeronautical meteorologists, particularly those at the operational level, as well as for operators, flight crew members and air traffic service units and others concerned with the conduct or development of international air navigation. It describes practices to be applied in the provision, reception and use of information on space weather phenomena affecting international air navigation. The objective of Doc 10100 is to enable operators to make informed decisions when space weather impacts occur.
1.An indispensable practical guide for any potential applicant and any legal professional
The individual application under the European Convention on Human Rights ISBN 978-92-871-8960-8
This book, which is a practical guide aimed at both professional lawyers and potential applicants, clearly and comprehensively describes and analyses the main stages in the processing of an application before the organs of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Detailed descriptions are provided of the Convention system, the Rules of the European Court of Human Rights and the procedures which the Court has developed to expedite and optimise case processing.
Crafted by two specialists on the Convention, Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos, the current President of the European Court of Human Rights, and Maria-Andriani Kostopoulou, a lawyer at the Greek Court of Cassation, the book does not merely explain how to prepare and lodge an application, in particular as regards the formal requirements and admissibility criteria; it also presents a detailed assessment of a case by the various formations of the Court, covering all stages right through to the conclusion of proceedings. Finally, having analysed the judicial stage, the book goes on to describe the procedure for supervision of the execution of judgments before the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.
2. IRIS Plus 2019-1 - The promotion of independent audiovisual production in EuropeISBN 978-92-871-8950-9
The concept of independence means different things depending on the context. Indeed, the cinema and audiovisual industries use different definitions. Legislation also varies the definition of the concept of independence depending on the aim pursued. The EU's Audiovisual Media Services Directive, for instance, speaks of independence vis-à-vis broadcasters. Interestingly, this means that, at least in theory, a big Hollywood studio production will be independent for the purposes of this directive.
This publication aims at providing an overview of many relevant issues concerning the independent production of films and audiovisual works in Europe, including market figures, international and national rules, interprofessional agreements and case law.
3. Preventing loss of life and protecting the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants at sea
PDF - Lives saved. Rights protected. Bridging the protection gap for refugees and migrants in the MediterraneanISBN 095119GBR
The protection of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants travelling by sea forms an integral part of international human rights, refugee and maritime laws. As explained in this document, states have clear obligations to aid any person found in distress at sea, to rescue people in distress and to ensure that their rights - including the right to life and to protection from refoulement - are upheld. Therefore, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights is putting forward a Recommendation on how to help member states make these rights practical and effective.
4. Learning to live together - Council of Europe report on the state of citizenship and human rights education in EuropeISBN 978-92-871-8598-3
Democratic citizenship and human rights education are increasingly important in addressing discrimination, prejudice and intolerance, and thus preventing and combating violent extremism and radicalisation in a sustainable and proactive way. Improving the effectiveness of such education is an imperative for the Council of Europe member states.
The Council of Europe promotes human rights and democracy through education, as a means of building peaceful societies where the human dignity of all people is respected. With the adoption of the Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education in 2010, the member states committed to "the aim of providing every person within their territory with the opportunity of education for democratic citizenship and human rights education". The state of citizenship and human rights education in Europe is reviewed every five years with member states and civil society with the aim of identifying achievements and challenges and proposing action at European, national and local level. This report covers the second review for the period 2012-2017.
动态三:联合国拉加经委会 (ECLAC) 最新出版动态
a) U.S. Economic Outlook: Quarterly developments
• In the first quarter of 2019, the U.S. economy grew at an above-trend annualized rate of 3.1%, despite the government shutdown and concerns about residual seasonality. Growth was driven by exports and a buildup in inventories.
• In May, U.S. employers added just 75,000 jobs, one of the smaller gains since the recession ended in mid-2009.
• U.S. consumer price inflation moderated in May, suggesting inflationary pressures remain muted. Over the last 12 months, the all items Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 1.8%. The core CPI was up 2.0%.
• The U.S. current account deficit fell to US$ 130 billion in the first quarter of 2019 (2.5% of GDP), from US$ 144 billion in the fourth quarter. Despite the decline, the current account deficit in the first quarter of 2019 is the second largest of the past decade.
• The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) kept the target range for the fed funds rate steady but indicated in its statement that it could soon cut it to help sustain the economic expansion.
• Trade risks and the uncertainty they create have prompted predictions of Fed rate cuts in the second half of the year. While the U.S. economy is still growing at a relatively strong pace, with unemployment at record lows, escalating trade disputes have heightened concerns about a looming downturn.
• June marks the 10th anniversary since the end of the last recession. In July, the current expansion will become the longest on record.
b) Distributional impacts of low for long interest rates
This paper asks whether tepid inflation in Canada since the financial crisis can in part be explained by the effects of monetary policy on inequality. Using different structural vector autoregression models we show that expansionary monetary policy post-crisis has offset otherwise falling inequality through the shifting of resources away from lower-income individuals, which in general have higher marginal propensities to consume. As a result, aggregate demand has not risen as much as it otherwise would have, leading to a more muted inflationary response. Our results suggest that failure to account for the heterogeneity of consumption responses across the income distribution could lead to an overestimation of the magnitude of inflation’s response to a monetary policy shock.