Connecting with Governments and Civil Society
On 11-21 February 2019, UNRISD will be using its channels within the UN to connect with government representatives and civil society organizations from UN member states at the Commission for Social Development , held at UN Headquarters every year in New York. UNRISD Director Paul Ladd will attend the main sessions and speak at a UNESCO side event on the importance of evidence-informed policy making, and the use of knowledge from the social sciences, in the area of social protection and its role in reducing inequalities.
动态二:国际货币基金组织 (IMF) 最新动态
1. People’s Republic of China—Macao Special Administrative Region: Staff Concluding Statement of the 2019 Article IV Mission
The economy has returned to expansion since mid-2016 driven by gaming and tourism growth. Risks are tilted to the downside, mainly emanating from Mainland China. Prudent macroeconomic policies and high reserves provide strong buffers against shocks. There are three top policy priorities. First, higher public investment would support the diversification agenda while further targeted social spending would foster inclusion. Second, a medium/long-term fiscal framework would facilitate judicious and efficient use of gaming-dependent fiscal resources. Third, the exchange rate peg continues to serve Macao SAR well and should be maintained including via supportive policies. In addition to supporting diversification and fulfilling social needs, these policy priorities will reduce external imbalances.
2. World Economic Outlook Update, January 2019 :A Weakening Global Expansion
The global expansion has weakened. Global growth for 2018 is estimated at 3.7 percent, as in the October 2018 World Economic Outlook (WEO) forecast, despite weaker performance in some economies, notably Europe and Asia. The global economy is projected to grow at 3.5 percent in 2019 and 3.6 percent in 2020, 0.2 and 0.1 percentage point below last October’s projections.
The main shared policy priority is for countries to resolve cooperatively and quickly their trade disagreements and the resulting policy uncertainty, rather than raising harmful barriers further and destabilizing an already slowing global economy. Across all economies, measures to boost potential output growth, enhance inclusiveness, and strengthen fiscal and financial buffers in an environment of high debt burdens and tighter financial conditions are imperatives.
1. Training, guidance and policy in support of rural women
Women represent almost half of the agricultural workforce worldwide. They are agents of change and resilience builders. Yet, the gender gap in food and agriculture remains extensive. Achieving gender equality and empowering women in agriculture is central to the FAO’s mandate.
Below is a selection of FAO training, guidance and policy materials that reflect this year’s International Women’s Day theme, Think equal, build smart, innovate for change.
Mainstreaming gender in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for agriculture and rural development
Rural women face a triple divide: digital, rural and gender. This publication examines the challenges rural communities have to overcome to take full and equal advantage of information and communication technologies.
Fostering the uptake of labour-saving technologies and practices
This brief introduces key steps for policy makers and project implementation partners to address the labour constraints of smallholders through the introduction of technologies that are not only labour-saving but also women-friendly.
E-Agriculture in Action (2017)
These case studies on innovative ICT solutions for agriculture cover food production, supply chain management, advisory services, smart water management, traceability, and even use of the internet of things.
Success stories on Information and Communication Technologies for agriculture and rural development (second edition)
ICTs can transform lives and improve livelihoods in agriculture by helping to secure savings, find affordable insurance and tools to manage risk, increase access to financial services, and provide business opportunities.
National E-Agriculture Strategy brochure
A framework to assist countries in developing their national e-agriculture strategies and to identify and develop sustainable ICT in agricultural services and solutions.
Use of mobile phones by the rural poor: Gender perspectives from selected Asian countries
The digital gender divide inhibits rural development. Given the large rural population in developing Asia, a nuanced understanding of mobile phone use and access could sharpen the design of relevant policies.
2. FAO and Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition to scale up joint efforts targeting healthy diets
New partnership focuses on engaging with small and medium enterprises, making urban food systems more nutrition-sensitive
FAO and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) have agreed to join forces to increase the availability and affordability of nutritious food for all in developing countries.
The partnership, aims to enable inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems, focusing on new approaches which engage small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to promote market-based solutions as a key tool for improved nutrition.
FAO and GAIN will also work to make urban food systems more nutrition-sensitive, through support to GAIN's Urban Governance for Nutrition Program and FAO's Urban Food Agenda.
1. Forests as classrooms – Hands-on learning guides help young people build a sustainable future
To encourage young people to manage the planet wisely, we have to give them the means to become agents of change. FAO’s Discovering forests teaching and learning guides are part of an FAO initiative to inspire and engage young people, in this case 10-13 year-olds, and tie in with the theme of this year’s International Day of Forests, namely forests and education.
These modules examine forests’ role in the water cycle, reveal their presence in the medicines, foods and objects of daily life, and challenge received wisdom about ownership and management. Perspectives – and curricular entry points – range from geographic to scientific to social, and call on analytical, decision-making, research and interpersonal skills. The modules are part of FAO’s flagship “The State of the World” collection, and content draws upon FAO’s major biennial report on The State of the World’s Forests.
1. New Book Marks 30 Years of a Transforming PRC–ADB Relationship
Over the past three decades, the relationship between the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has transformed from borrower-lender into a partnership for policy development, capacity building, and knowledge sharing.
The book describes the transformation of the PRC and its relationship with ADB. When the PRC joined ADB in March 1986, it was a low-income country seeking financial, technical, and knowledge support while ADB was a fairly young institution, providing project finance in a region that was seeking to pull itself out of poverty. Since then, the PRC has grown into the second-largest economy in the world after the United States, yet still faces a number of development challenges, including persistent inequality and regional disparity, environmental degradation and climate change, and a rapidly aging population.
2. 50 Climate Solutions from Cities in the People’s Republic of China
This publication showcases 50 innovative case studies from cities in the People’s Republic of China that are mitigating against and adapting to climate change.
Solutions being implemented in these cities are proving that reducing carbon dioxide emissions and protecting the environment need not sacrifice economic prosperity. This publication is an initiative of the Asian Development Bank to support efforts of the People’s Republic of China to address climate change and showcase innovations in low-carbon city development. The sharing of these examples could inspire other cities and drive further innovation.