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动态1: 国际劳工组织知识中心(ILO Knowledge Centre)新出版物

  Human trafficking  贩卖人口

  Human trafficking in Thailand : current issues, trends, and the role of the Thai Government / Siroj Sorajjakool. Chiang Mai : Silkworm Books, 2013. (Call no. THA 364.15 So713h)

  Economic development  经济发展

  Capital in the twenty-first century / Thomas Piketty. Cambridge, Mass. : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2014. (Call no. 339.2 Pi636c)
  Inequality in Asia and the Pacific : trends, drivers and policy implications / edited by Ravi Kanbur, Changyong Rhee, Juzhong Zhuang. New York : Routledge, 2014. (Call no. 323.42095 In38)
  Key statistics, March 2013 / Bureau of Statistics, Fiji. Suva : The Bureau, 2013. (Call no. FIJ 319.611 Fi477k 2013 Mar)
  Surviving the global and economic downturn : the Cambodian experience / Hossein Jalilian ... [et al.]. Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2014. (Call no. CAM 330.9 Su963)
  Transitioning from the informal to the formal economy / International Labour Conference, 103rd Session, 2014 ; International Labour Office. Geneva : ILO, 2014. (Call no. ILC 2014 no.5(2)) - Download here
  World economic outlook, April 2014 : recovery strengthens, remains uneven / International Montary Fund. Washington, DC. : IMF, 2014. (Call no. 330.9 In61w 2014 Apr)   

  Politics  政治

  Southeast Asian affairs 2014 / Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Singapore : ISEAS, 2014. (Call no. 959 In59s 2014)

  Clothing and textile industries  服装纺织产业

  A day in the Cambodian garment industry [DVD] : six short documentaries including discussion materials / Better Factories Cambodia, International Labour Organization ; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung ; Meta House Cambodia. Phnom Penh : ILO, 2014? (Call no. DVD 00020)

  Tariff policy  关税政策

  Social dimensions of free trade agreements / International Labour Organization ; International Institute for Labour Studies. Geneva : ILO, 2013. (Call no. 382.71 In61s)

  Labour market  劳动力市场

  Growth with equity in Singapore : challenges and prospects / Hui Weng Tat, Ruby Toh ; International Labour Office, Conditions of Work and Employment Branch. Geneva : ILO, 2014. (Call no. 331.2 Co745 no.48) - Download here
  Role of labour regulation and reforms in India : country case study on labour market segregation / Trilok Singh Papola ; International Labour Office, Employment Sector, Employment Analysis and Research Unit, Economic and Labour Market Analysis Department. Geneva : ILO, 2014. (Call no. 331.1 Em552 no.147) - Download here 

  Employment  就业

  Economic growth and employment in Vietnam / David Lim. London : Routledge, 2014. (Call no. VNM 331.1209597 Li732e)
Labour and social trends in Indonesia 2013 : reinforcing the role of decent work in equitable growth / International Labour Office, ILO Office for Indonesia = Tren Ketenagakerjaan dan Sosial di Indonesia / Kantor Perburuhan Internasional , Kantor ILO untuk Indonasia. Jakarta : ILO, 2014. (Call no. IDN 331.12 In61la 2013)
Working through the crisis : jobs and policies in developing countries during the great recession / editors, Arup Banerji ... [et al.]. Washington D.C. : The World Bank, 2014. (Call no. 331.12 Wo9262)

  Work organization  工作组织

  Review of the regulatory framework for homeworkers in Indonesia 2013 : Tinjauan kerangka peraturan perundang-undangan untuk pekerja rumahan di Indonesia 2013 / Miranda Fajerman ; International Labour Office, Office in Jakarta, MAMPU - Access to Employment and Decent Work for Women Project. Jakarta : ILO, 2014. (Call no. IDN 331.793 Fa175r)

  Migration 移民

  The age of migration : international population movements in the modern world / Stephen Castles and Mark J. Miller. 5th ed. London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. (Call no. 304.82 Ca353a 2014)
The "Bare life" of Thai migrant workmen in Singapore / Pattana Kitiarsa. Bangkok : Silkworm Books,  2014. (Call no. SGP 331.544 Ki62b)
Exodus : how migration is changing our world / Paul Collier. New York : Oxford University Press, 2013. (Call no. 304.8 Co699e)
Fair migration : setting an ILO agenda : report of the Director-General / International Labour Conference, 103rd Session 2014. Geneva : ILO, 2014. (Call no. ILC 2014 no.1(B) - Download here 

动态2: IMF Publications News : IMF's 70th Anniversary


  The IMF at 70- To mark the 70thanniversary of the Bretton Woods Conference and the creation of the International Monetary Fund, the IMF has released a new digital collection about the global institution combining all the official histories since inception on one USB.
The History of the IMF-Digital Collection, 70th Anniversary Collection is the definitive primer on the history and founding of the International Monetary Fund. The collection includes the authoritative accounts from the IMF's historians, key documents and publications on the IMF and the development of the modern international monetary system, and a video. The 70th Collection includes a Foreword by Managing Director Christine Lagarde as well as an essay by former IMF Historian James Boughton on The IMF and the Force of History .
Browse the eLibrary and view the IMF History microsite with the complete collection of key documents, articles, videos, and publications on the history of the IMF. The History microsite contains all the documents found on the USB drive, as well as the annual reports going back to 1946. This online collection provides valuable insight into the founding and development of the institution. This microsite is open to both subscribers and non-subscribers of the eLibrary.

  为了庆祝布雷顿森林会议和国际货币基金组织(IMF)成立70周年, 国际货币基金组织发布了关于集合全球机构自创建以来所有相关的官方历史全新数字馆藏,国际国币基金组织70周年电子馆藏记录。
其作为国际货币基金组织创建历史的引物,收藏了包括来自国际货币基金组织历史学家的权威的评论,重要的文件,以及有关国际货币基金组织和现代国际货币体系发展的出版物及相关视频资料。同时,第70周年的馆藏记录也收藏了来自常务董事克里斯蒂娜•拉加德(Christine Lagarde)的前言以及前国际货币基金组织的历史学家詹姆斯•理查德(James Boughton)撰写的题名为《关于IMF和历史的力量》的一篇文章。
  通过登录电子图书馆和浏览IMF历史微型网站( IMF History microsite)可以获取有关国际货币基金组织的重要文件、文章、视频、以及历年出版物的完整收藏。IMF历史微型网站包含所有USB驱动盘上的文件,并且收藏了自1946年所有的年度报告。该在线收藏网站对机构的创始和发展提供了深入的了解。并且对电子图书馆订阅者和非订阅者用户同时开放。
读者可以通过登点击Visit the IMF History online获取更多有关IMF历史的相关信息。
动态3: ADB Publication: Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2014


Key indicators for Asia and the Pacific is ADB’s flagship annual statistical publication. It presents the latest available economic indicators for the 48 regional ADB members, and offers analyses and statistical tables on the Millennium Development Goals, and eight other economic, financial, social, and environmental themes.
This year’s Key indicators comes with a special chapter-----“Poverty in Asia: A Deeper Look”---that reviews the direction and pace of Asia’s poverty.It says that the standard $1.25 per day poverty measure is not enough to maintain minimum welfare in many parts of the region.

  Three additional elements should be factored into the poverty picture:
  1.      Cost of consumption specific to Asia’s poor
  2.      Food costs that rise faster than the general price level
  3.      Vulnerability to natural disasters, climate change, economic crises, and other shocks


动态4: FAO 联合国粮食与农业组织最新出版物


  1.Report of the FAO/NEPAD Workshop on Cimate Change, Disasters and Crises in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector in Southern and Eastern Africa. Maputo, Mozambique 22-24 April 2013.

  The purpose of the regional Workshop on Climate Change, Disasters and Crises in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector in Southern and Eastern Africa was to determine the gaps in adaptation and disaster risk management strategies, policies and activities that aim to assist fishers, fish farmers, fish workers and the communities they live in to improve their resilience to the impacts of disasters and climate change, and to identify ways to address these gaps based on the experience of the participants. The workshop recommended disaster risk reduction and adaptation actions at the local, national and regional levels based on practical experiences and examples of actions that have worked, or not worked, in the past.

  2.Assessment and management of seafood safety and quality: Current Practices and emerging issues

  This technical paper compiles the state of knowledge on seafood safety and quality with the aim to provide a succinct yet comprehensive resource book to seafood quality for safety managers, including topics on emerging issues such as new pathogens, the impact of climate change on seafood safety, and the changing regulatory framework.
  下载链接: http://www.fao.org/publications/card/en/c/ef1f426e-2791-44ef-bac7-d5f92fe87832/


  FAO Yearbook.  Fisheries and Aquaculture Statistics. 2012

  Ensuring responsible and sustainable fisheries management around the world requires standardized, reliable and up-to-date information for sound decision-making. FAO, as the only repository for global fishery data, regularly collects and analyses fisheries statistics. This publication is trilingual (Available in English, Spanish and French).  


  The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources

  The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources addresses the conservation, management and sustainable use of forest tree and other woody plant genetic resources of actual and potential value for human well-being in the broad range of management systems. The report complements two other FAO flagship publications in the field of forestry, the annual State of the World’s Forests and the periodic Global Forest Resources Assessment.This first edition of The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources will help to differentiate between the state of the world’s forest resources and the state of the genetic resources on which they depend for their utility, adaptability and health.

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