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  待定(相关事项可与国际图联总部Julia Brungs联系)

  美国和加拿大区域中心(USA and Canada)
  Library of Congress
  101 Independence Avenue, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20540-4500 USA
  Mark Sweeney
  Tel: +1 202 707 7423
  Fax: + 1 202707 3434
  Email: mswe@loc.gov 
  Website: http://marvel.loc.gov ; www.loc.gov/index.html 

  拉丁美洲和加勒比区域中心(Latin America and The Caribbean)
  National Library and Information System Authority
  PO Box 547, Port of Spain -, Trinidad and Tobago
  Joan Osborne
  Tel: + 868 624 3075
  Fax: + 868 624 3120
  Email: JOsborne@nalis.gov.tt 
  Website: www.nalis.gov.tt 

  Biblioteca nacional de Venezuela
  Apartado Postal 6525, Carmelitas Caracas 1010 – Venezuela
  Tel: + 58 212 505 90 51
  Email: dconsev@bnv.bib.ve ; ramon87s@hotmail.com 
  Website: http://www.bnv.gob.ve/ 

  Fundaçao Biblioteca nacional de Brasil
  Av. Rio Branco 219/39 20040-0008 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil
  Tel: + 55 21 2220 1976
  Fax: + 55 21 2544 8596
  Email: jspinelli@bn.br 
  Website: https://www.bn.gov.br/ 

  Biblioteca nacional de Chile
  Av. Libertador Bernardo O’higgins No 651 Santiago - Chile
  Maria Soledad Abarca De La Fuente
  Tel: + 56-2 360 52 39
  Fax: + 56-2 638 04 61
  Email: soledad.abarca@bibliotecanacional.cl 
  Website: www.bibliotecanacional.cl 

  东欧和独联体区域中心(Eastern Europe and The CIS)
  Library for Foreign Literature
  Nikoloyamskaya str. 1, Moscow 109 189 - Russia
  Tel: + 7 095 915 3621
  Fax: + 7 095 915 3637
  Email: rsalnikova@libfl.ru 
  Website: www.libfl.ru/index-eng.shtml 

  National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  Almaty 480013, Abai av. 14 - Republic of Kazakhstan
  Gulissa Balabekova,
  Officer: Tolkyn Zamzayeva
  Tel : +7 (7272) 67 28 83
  Email : tzamzaeva@nlrk.kz 
  Website: www.nlrk.kz 

  National Library of China
  33 Zhongguancun Nandajie Beijing 100081 - China
  Zhang Zhiqing,
  Fax: + 86-10- 68419271
  Email: interco@nlc.cn and zhangzq@nlc.cn 
  Website: http://www.nlc.cn/newtsgj/iflaygt/gjtlbcbhzxzgzx/ 

  National Diet Library
  Kaoru Oshima
  Tel: +81-3-3506-5203
  Fax: +81-3-3581-3291
  Email: pacasia@ndl.go.jp ; knakajim@ndl.go.jp 

  The National Library of Korea
  Banpo-Ro 664, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-702 - Korea
  Jaesun, LEE
  Director Library Service Department
  Email: jaesunlee@korea.kr 

  大洋洲和东南亚区域中心(Oceania and South East Asia)
  National Library of Australia
  Preservation Services Branch, Canberra Act 2600 - Australia
  Amelia McKenzie, Assistant Director General, Collections Management
  Tel: + 61 2 6262 1662
  Fax: + 61 2 6273 4535
  Email: amckenzie@nla.gov.au 
  Website: www.nla.gov.au 

  French-Speaking Africa
  Bibliothèque nationale du Bénin
  BP 401, Porto Novo - Bénin
  Francis Marie-José ZOGO
  Tel/Fax: + 229 20 22 25 85
  Email: derosfr@yahoo.fr  

  English speaking Africa:
  National Library of South Africa
  P O Box 397, Pretoria, South Africa
  Douwe Drijfhout
  Tel :+27 12 4019700/5
  Fax +27 12 326 7642
  Email: douwe.drijfhout@nlsa.ac.za